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  • The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental science community, and other potential users, with the means to obtain remotely-sensed data in support of research, survey and monitoring programmes. The ARSF is a unique service providing environmental researchers, engineers and surveyors with synoptic analogue and digital imagery of high spatial and spectral resolution.The NEODC holds the entire archive of Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) and Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data acquired by the NERC ARSF. High-resolution scanned digital versions of the entire collection of analogue photographs are now also available as well as selected LiDAR-derived elevation and terrain models for selected sites flown using the sensor.

  • This dataset contains optical ice velocity time series and seasonal product of the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland, derived from intensity-tracking of Sentinel-2 data acquired between 2017-06-03 and 2017-09-08. It has been produced as part of the ESA Greenland Ice sheet CCI project. The data are provided on a polar stereographic grid (EPSG 3413:Latitude of true scale 70N, Reference Longitude 45E) with 50m grid spacing. The horizontal velocity is provided in true meters per day, towards EASTING (x) and NORTHING (y) direction of the grid. The data have been produced by S[&]T Norway.

  • This dataset consists of a gridded composite of limb ozone profile data, combining data from a range of instruments. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The merged monthly zonal mean data (MMZM) include merged ozone profiles in 10° latitude zones for each month, on the ozone-CCI pressure grid from 250 hPa to 1 hPa, and the parameters which characterize the uncertainty of the merged profiles. In Phase I of the ESA CCI Programme, the dataset has been created for 2 years, 2007 and 2008. The merged monthly zonal mean data are structured into monthly netcdf files with self-explanatory names. For example, the file “” contains merged monthly zonal mean data for January 2008. In addition to the variables of the merged data, the profiles from individual instruments with their uncertainty parameters are also included (for the altitude range 250-1 hPa used in data merging).

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from "The MODIS Level-1B data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 36 discrete bands located in the 0.4 µm to 14.4 µm region of the electromagentic spectrum. These data are generated from MODIS Level-1A scans of raw radiance, and in the process are converted to geophysical units of W/(m2µm sr). In addition, the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for the solar reflective bands (1-19, 26) through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Visible, shortwave infrared, and near infrared measurements are only made during the daytime, while radiances for the thermal infrared region (bands 20-25, 27-36) are measured continuously. The resolution of channels 1 and 2 is 250 m, channels 3 through 7 are 500m resolution, and the rest are 1 km resolution. However, for the MODIS L1B 1 km product, the 250 m and 500 m band radiance data and their associated uncertainties have been aggregated to 1 km resolution. Thus, the entire channel data set is referenced to the same spatial and geolocation scales. Separate L1B products are available for just the 250 m channels (MOD02QKM) and the 500 m channels (MOD02HKM) that preserve the original resolution of the data. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 1 km, degrading to 4.8 km in the along-scan direction at the scan extremes. However, thanks to the overlapping of consecutive swaths and the respective pixels there, the resulting resolution at the scan extremes is about 2 km. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330 km orbital swath width with global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level-1B granule will nominally contain a scene built from 203 scans (or swaths) sampled 1354 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data. Since an individual MODIS scan (or swath) will contain 10 along-track spatial elements, the scene will be composed of 1354 by 2030 pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of 2330 km by 2030 km. Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing overlap occurring beyond about a 25 degree scan angle. Users requiring the full-resolution geolocation and solar/satellite geometry can obtain the separate MODIS Level-1 Geolocation product (MOD03) from LAADS." Shortname: MOD021KM , Platform: Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-1B , Spatial Resolution: 1 km , Temporal Resolution: 5 minute , ArchiveSets: 61, 6 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6.1 - Level 1, Atmosphere, Land (ArchiveSet 61) , PGE Number: PGE02 , File Naming Convention: MOD021KM.AYYYYDDD.HHMM.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf AYYYYDDD = Acqusition Year and Day of Year HHMM = Hour and Minute of acquisition CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition , Citation: MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST), 2017. MODIS 1km Calibrated Radiances Product. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA: , Keywords: Climate Change, Radiance

  • The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental science community, and other potential users, with the means to obtain remotely-sensed data in support of research, survey and monitoring programmes. The ARSF is a unique service providing environmental researchers, engineers and surveyors with synoptic analogue and digital imagery of high spatial and spectral resolution.The NEODC holds the entire archive of Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) and Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data acquired by the NERC ARSF. High-resolution scanned digital versions of the entire collection of analogue photographs are now also available as well as selected LiDAR-derived elevation and terrain models for selected sites flown using the sensor.

  • The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental science community, and other potential users, with the means to obtain remotely-sensed data in support of research, survey and monitoring programmes. The ARSF is a unique service providing environmental researchers, engineers and surveyors with synoptic analogue and digital imagery of high spatial and spectral resolution.The NEODC holds the entire archive of Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) and Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data acquired by the NERC ARSF. High-resolution scanned digital versions of the entire collection of analogue photographs are now also available as well as selected LiDAR-derived elevation and terrain models for selected sites flown using the sensor.

  • This dataset provides a Climate Data Record of Sea Ice Thickness for the SH polar region, derived from the SIRAL (SAR Interferometer Radar ALtimeter) instrument on the CryoSat-2 satellite. This product was generated in the context of the ESA Climate Change Initiative Programme (ESA CCI) by the Sea Ice CCI (Sea_Ice_cci) project. It provides daily sea ice thickness data on the satellite measurement grid (Level 2P) at the full sensor resolution for the period November 2010 to April 2017. Note, the southern hemisphere sea ice thickness dataset is an experimental climate data record, as the algorithm does not properly considers the impact of the complex snow morphology in the freeboard retrieval. Sea ice thickness is provided for all months but needs to be considered biased high in areas with high snow depth and during the southern summer months. Please consult the Product User Guide (PUG) for more information.

  • The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental science community, and other potential users, with the means to obtain remotely-sensed data in support of research, survey and monitoring programmes. The ARSF is a unique service providing environmental researchers, engineers and surveyors with synoptic analogue and digital imagery of high spatial and spectral resolution.The NEODC holds the entire archive of Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) and Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data acquired by the NERC ARSF. High-resolution scanned digital versions of the entire collection of analogue photographs are now also available as well as selected LiDAR-derived elevation and terrain models for selected sites flown using the sensor.

  • ARSF project 04/09: The impact of spatial variability in LAI and albedo on the uncertainty in estimates of evaporation. PI: R. Harding. Site: Wantage.

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global level 3 binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 2.0 Kd490 attenuation coefficient (m-1) for downwelling irradiance product on a geographic projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a number of time resolutions (daily, 5-day, 8-day and monthly composites). It is computed from the Ocean Colour CCI Version 2.0 inherent optical properties dataset at 490 nm and the solar zenith angle. Note, these data are also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a geographic grid projection, which is a direct conversion of latitude and longitude coordinates to a rectangular grid, typically a fixed multiplier of 360x180. The netCDF files follow the CF convention for this projection with a resolution of 8640x4320. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a sinusoidal projection).