remote sensing
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The NASA Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) project computes Top-of atmosphere and Surface radiative fluxes at a 1ox 1o spatial scale for both shortwave (0.28– 4 mm) and longwave (4 mm) wavelengths. This dataset contains Version 1.1 Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) shortwave products for the period from March 1985 until December 1988 as produced by the World Climate Research Programme's (WCRP) SRB Satellite Data Analysis Center (SDAC). The data are derived from results from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) and the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE).
The NASA Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) project computes Top-of atmosphere and Surface radiative fluxes at a 1ox 1o spatial scale for both shortwave (0.28– 4 mm) and longwave (4 mm) wavelengths. This dataset collection contains Version 1.1 Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) shortwave products for the period from March 1985 until December 1988 as produced by the World Climate Research Programme's (WCRP) SRB Satellite Data Analysis Center (SDAC). The data are derived from results from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) and the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE).
In-situ airborne observations by the DO228-212 /D-CFFU - DLR aircraft aircraft for HYPPOS- HYdrodynamic control of Primary Producers in Optically Shallow fluvial lakes .
In-situ airborne observations by the CASA 212 RS - INTA aircraft aircraft for UrbSense- Multi-sensor monitoring of the urban environment. (URBSENSE).
In-situ airborne observations by the CASA 212 RS - INTA aircraft aircraft for HYMOWEB- HYperspectral MOnitoring of the Water and Energy Balance.
In-situ airborne observations by the CASA 212 RS - INTA aircraft aircraft for HyperForest - Advanced airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to support forest management (HYPERFOREST).
In-situ airborne observations by the CASA 212 RS - INTA aircraft aircraft for UR-TIR- Urban mapping with airborne thermal infra red imagery .
In-situ airborne observations by the DO228-212 /D-CFFU - DLR aircraft aircraft for HABlakes - Spectral characterization of harmful algal blooms in Mantua lakes (Italy) (HABLAKES).
In-situ airborne observations by the CASA 212 RS - INTA aircraft aircraft for DeMinTIR- Detection of Mineral Surface Parameter and Vegetation status from Airborne Thermal Infra-Red Imagery (DEMINTIR).
In-situ airborne observations by the CASA 212 RS - INTA aircraft aircraft for BIOHYPE- Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality with airborne hyperspectral observations.