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  • This dataset contains corrected observations (motion and translational movement) from a WindCube V2 Lidar (Leosphere). The instrument was mounted on the NATO Research Vessel Alliance during Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP) campaign in February–March 2018. The Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) was an international project involving the UK, US a Norwegian research communities. The UK component was funded by NERC, under the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project (NE/N009754/1).

  • This dataset contains humidity and temperature profiles from the NCAS Humidity And Temperature PROfilers (HATPRO) scanning radiometer on board the Alliance research vessel for the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP). The Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) was an international project involving the UK, US a Norwegian research communities. The UK component was funded by NERC, under the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project (NE/N009754/1)

  • This dataset contains surface layer meteorological measurements that were made during the Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP) field campaign from a variety of observation platforms, including several WeatherPack systems, RPG Hatpro Radiometer and a Windcube LIDAR. This dataset presents a quality controlled combination of observations from these instruments, as indicated by the data origin flags. Sea surface temperature was measured by the underway SBE38 bow temperature sensor for the majority of the cruise, with 2m CTD observations used to fill several short gaps where high frequency observations were available. Additionally these observations have been processed using the COARE 3.0a bulk aerodynamic flux algorithm to provide bulk variables at standard heights and estimated flux coefficients. Attached documentation on quality control methods and calibrations should be consulted before using these data. The Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) was an international project involving the UK, US a Norwegian research communities. The UK component was funded by NERC, under the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project (NE/N009754/1).

  • This dataset contains meteorological, sea water temperature, surface ocean currents and wave height, direction and period measurements from a Seawatch Wavescan meteorological buoy deployed in the northwest Iceland Sea for the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP). This was an international project involving the UK, US a Norwegian research communities. The UK component was funded by NERC, under the Amospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project (NE/N009754/1). The Seawatch Wavescan meteorological buoy was deployed during the first leg of the NATO Research Vessel Alliance cruise, on 21 February 2018. Its position in the northwest Iceland Sea was strategically placed adjacent to a subsurface mooring in the Eggvin Offset. The dataset contains standard meteorological variables, surface ocean currents and wave height, direction and period from the buoy. Sea water temperature measurements at 8 m depth from the co-located mooring beneath the buoy are included to replace failed sea surface temperature measurements from the buoy under the reasonable assumption that this was still within the surface ocean mixed layer in this region. Similarly, pressure measurements that failed for roughly half of the deployment are replaced by surface layer estimates from ECMWF's ERA5 reanalysis product interpolated to the position of the meteorological buoy, corroborated for the period the sensor was working. Otherwise the buoy worked well for 2.5 months, until it broke loose from its anchor and stopped recording on 6 May 2018 and was recovered soon after. Also provided in the dataset are bulk aerodynamic flux estimates generated using the COARE3.0a algorithm.

  • This dataset contains measurements from the Micro Rain Radar (MRR2), manufactured by Meteorologische Messtechnik GmbH (Metek) installed onboard the NATO Research Vessel Alliance during the Iceland Greenland Seas Project. The MRR2 is a frequency modulated (FM), continuous wave (CW) Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging) that obtains doppler spectral density at each range gate with a time resolution of 10 s. The terminal velocity of the precipitation targets (vT) is the primarily retrieved variable from these doppler spectral density observations. Additionally, drop size distribution and the corresponding moments, for example liquid water content (LWC), rain rate (RR) and Radar Reflectivity (Ze) are retrieved with post processing. The initial installation location from 03-13 Feb 2018 was midship on the weatherdeck. At Reykjavik harbour the MRR2 worked as expected, while at sea artificial signals at three elevations appeared. The artificial signals were due to an interference on the power cable or power source. On 11 Feb 2018, a separate power source for the MRR2 could be secured, and it subsequently operated without interferences after ~12 UTC that day. For further details and figures on the MRR2 and its operation in the cruise please read the attached documentation.

  • This collection contains a range of in situ observations of meteorological and air-sea interaction processes from a range of instruments on several platforms (buoy, ship , radiosonde) from the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP). The Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) was an international project involving the UK, US and Norwegian research communities. The UK component was funded by NERC, under the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project (NE/N009754/1)

  • In-situ airborne observations collected during flight 305 on 18 March 2018 by the Meteorological Airborne Science Instrumentation (MASIN) on board the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Twin-otter aircraft for the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) including the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project. This dataset is a quality-controlled revision of the core meteorological data, generated at the University of East Anglia (UEA). Data were collected over the Iceland and Greenland Sea area.

  • This dataset contains upper air sounding profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and wind direction measurements from the NCAS Vaisala Sounding Station unit 2 radiosonde lauches. The radiosondes were launched over Greenland and Iceland from the Alliance research ship for the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP). The Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) was an international project involving the UK, US a Norwegian research communities. The UK component was funded by NERC, under the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project (NE/N009754/1)

  • In-situ airborne observations collected during flight 293 on 01 March 2018 by the Meteorological Airborne Science Instrumentation (MASIN) on board the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Twin-otter aircraft for the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) including the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project. This dataset is a quality-controlled revision of the core meteorological data, generated at the University of East Anglia (UEA). Data were collected over the Iceland and Greenland Sea area.

  • In-situ airborne observations collected during flight 297 on 06 March 2018 by the Meteorological Airborne Science Instrumentation (MASIN) on board the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Twin-otter aircraft for the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) including the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project. This dataset is a quality-controlled revision of the core meteorological data, generated at the University of East Anglia (UEA). Data were collected over the Iceland and Greenland Sea area.