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  • This dataset includes the Met Office HadGEM3 model output prepared for SPECS SolarIrradiance(1960-2008). These data were prepared by the Met Office Hadley Centre, as part of the SPECS project. Model id is HadGEM3 (DePreSys2 HadGEM3 v3.0 (2014); atmosphere: UM (GA3.0) ; ocean: NEMO (v3.2, ORCA1) ; coupler: OASIS3 (v3); sea ice: CICE), frequency is monthly. Monthly atmos variables: clt hfls hfss mrso pr psl rls rlut rsds rsdt rss rsut ta tas uas vas zg

  • Datasets collected as part of the NERC project Poles Apart Why has Antarctic sea ice increased and why don't coupled climate models reproduce observations? (NE/K012150/1, NE/K011561/1). The aim of this project was to model atmospheric drivers of changes in surface wind forcing. The project began in June 2014 and completed at the end of June 2017.

  • Data produced in support of the NERC project Poles Apart (2014 - 2017) that investigated the atmospheric drivers of changes in surface wind forcing using the UK Chemistry and Aerosols (UKCA) model. Ten HadGEM3 model simulations were undertaken. Monthly model data was taken from the final 30 years of each simulation and a number of variables of interest, e.g. temperature and precipitation were extracted and analysed. The temporal range for the perturbed simulations is 1980-2013, and the control simulations are valid between 1841-1900. See the detailed experiment documentation for the Unified Model experiment ids and their corresponding description (these have been used to organise the data).