The data are provided as compressed (.zip files) comma separated value (csv) files.
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The UK climate projections (UKCP09) comma separated value (CSV) archive consists of probabilistic data for various climate parameters. Two products are available: firstly, zip files of batch processed UKCP09 data outputs that were provided as an alternative to having to generate multiple requests on the UKCP09 website; and, secondly, additional products that were not available under from the UKCP09 website. These are provided as raw data files. List of products: 1. UK Probabilistic Projections of Climate Change over Land: Grouped by - variable and location and - variable and temporal average. 2. UK Probabilistic Projections of Climate Change over Marine Regions: Grouped by - emissions scenario, - location, - temporal average, - time period, - variable, - variable and location and - variable and temporal average. 3. Projections of Trend in Storm Surge for UK Waters: all data is grouped into one file. 4. Projections of Sea Level Rise for UK Waters: Grouped by - emissions scenario, - location and - emissions scenario and location. 5. Global average temperature change values for each time period and emissions scenario: - all cumulative distribution function (CDF) data in a single file - all sampled data in a single file. 6. UK Probabilistic Projections of Climate Change over Land conditioned by a given global average temperature change: Grouped by - probability level and - variable and probability level 7. Spatially Coherent Projections of UK Climate Change over Land: grouped by variable, temporal average and scenario The file naming convention is provided in the documentation.